
De Référentiels d’autorité Biblissima
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Biblissima Authority Files

Total number of items in the authority files: 403,665

This platform provides Biblissima's authority file in the form of structured data. Its realization is part of the Biblissima programme, the observatory of the written heritage of the Middle Ages and the Renaissance from the 8th to the 18th century.

These authority files are based on data collected and processed within the framework of the Biblissima programme.
They form the backbone of the Biblissima portal and the prototype IIIF Collections of Manuscripts and Rare Books.
They have been set up in order to identify, disambiguate, harmonize and align named entities from a wide range of data sources (digital libraries, catalogues and specialized databases on manuscripts and early printed books). This effort has been ongoing since the beginning of Biblissima in 2013.

For any request, you can contact us at team@biblissima-condorcet.fr
Avertissement : Dans sa première phase, cette plateforme est conçue comme un outil de gestion, de publication et d'exposition des référentiels d'autorité de Biblissima. Son but premier est de constituer un "hub" d'identifiants et de données structurées, accessibles, interopérables et réutilisables.
Ce hub joue un rôle central pour l'interopérabilité des ressources traitées dans le cadre de Biblissima, tout en permettant à d'autres projets de bénéficier du travail de réconciliation et d'harmonisation effectué en ce sens. Les données sont en effet accessibles de façon automatisée par divers mécanismes destinés avant tout à des programmes informatiques (lire ci-dessous Accès aux données et API).
Des évolutions sont néanmoins prévues pour améliorer l'interface utilisateur, la recherche plein-texte, et proposer des modes de consultation et d'interrogation plus aisés.

Available Authority Files

In progress

These will be published gradually during 2020.

  • Textual works
  • Iconographic descriptors

Data access, API

The publication of Biblissima authority files is part of a process of opening up the data and making it reusable. Thus this platform provides authority data in a structured form and makes it accessible by computer programs through web services (Web API):

In addition, each entity is identified in the Web of Linked Data by a URI built on the following pattern: https://data.biblissima.fr/entity/Q{n}. The raw data of an entity is accessible at this URI through content negotiation (in JSON format, and in different RDF serializations: RDF/XML, N-Triples, Turtle, N3).

Read more information at https://www.wikidata.org/wiki/Wikidata:Data_access#Linked_Data_interface

For more detailed explanations, you can contact the Biblissima team at team@biblissima-condorcet.fr

Data Licence

The Biblissima authority data are published under the terms of the Open License Version 2.0 (Etalab).